Commercial and Residential Sanitizing

Commercial and Residential Sanitizing
We have been closely monitoring the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are writing to provide you with an update on our ongoing efforts to ensure the health and safety of your children, staff and visitors.
We are now offering an affordable commercial and residential sanitizing to you and help combat the spread of the virus.
The nature of viruses such as the flu means that they are able to spread incredibly quickly. With the ability to go from one person to another in a flash, preventive methods need be strictly adhered to. While there are many ways to for you to personally stop a contraction, the truth is that your building may be the main cause of your problems. Buildings often need to be treated the same as a human body, applying a solution to prevent (and sometimes cure) an infection. The number one method to do this is via microbial fogging.
Fit for both commercial and domestic locations, microbial fogging is perfect for schools, offices, hotels, homes and many more places. Whether it is moving into a new home or cleaning an old office, total disinfection is something every building should have.


- SARS Corona-virus
- Tuberculosis
- Chlamydia
- E-coli, Cytomegalovirus, Staphylococcus aureus
- Hepatitis A & B
- Influenza
- HIV (AIDS virus)
- Polio virus
- Rotavirus and more...
Professional Cleaning Services For Your Home
We are perfection in restoring and cleaning method to handle a wide range of carpets, rugs, sofa, furniture, upholstery and many more. We take all the challenges from our customers in all the cleaning required in their home or business. We can clean and restore anything from sever stains or soiling from everyday wears and we treat it with our special deep clean techniques and ensure the cleanliness is maintained in your home. We offer services in New Orleans and other part of the nation with all the cleaning needed. You can contact us anytime to know the quotation and details about our programs.
At our cleaning and restoring center, we are more than capable of handling all the cleaning of your carpet. Our upholstery cleaners New Orleans can clean all the things from your upholstery like pet hair, dust, dander, allergens, and everyday cruelty. We use the deep clean method to easily solve all the problem of you carpet and furniture. We know you don’t have enough time to clean the carpets and other things effectively because of your busy schedule, that’s why we always take care of all the cleaning tasks and help you maintain your carpet and upholstery like new conditioned.
As we all know, that with time even the high quality sofa and carpeting will show signs of wear and damages. Our furniture cleaning services will help you restore all the beauty of the furniture. Our Sofa cleaning New Orleans methods and equipment will remove and protect your furniture from stains and spoiling.
We also help people when disasters strike their carpeting and furniture leaving them like dead things. Disaster will destroy all your carpets and furniture in a mess. We use our unique techniques to restore the too wet carpet, stained sofas and spoiled upholstery. We are also one of expert in disaster restoration of the nation. We are experienced in helping our entire customers repair their homes from the damages caused due to flood, plumbing leakage, and other damaging. No matter how big or small your cleaning problem is, our professional furniture cleaning is always there to help you.
We have many packages including professional upholstery cleaning with some deep cleaning methods to help you overcome the disaster stains and flooding damage in your home. Don’t hesitate; you can contact us for getting the estimation and costing for restoring cleanliness of your home or office. Our upholstery cleaning New Orleans can also help you in applying some of the amazing protectors on your carpet and furniture such as scotch guard protector or other protectors. We only offer branded and affordable protectors to ensure safety as well as budget of our customers.
Our professional sofa cleaning and carpet cleaning always make use of biodegradable cleaning products in our methods. We ensure that there are no sticky or bad smelling components left in your furniture or carpet. Our sofa cleaning services also make sure that after the cleaning is done, your home will be cleaner and have long lasting freshness in it.
We are proud carpet, furniture, sofa and upholstery steam cleaning service provider in New Orleans. Contact us an schedule the free inspection with use to get the quotation for all your cleaning problems and be tension free.

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Our Location
1765 Coliseum Street unit#404 New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 418-0950